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2012-07-24 @ 12:12 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Buick
Buick Y-JobBuick Y-JobBuick Y-JobBuick Y-JobBuick Y-JobBuick Y-JobBuick Y-JobBuick Y-JobThe Buick Y-Job has influenced the models produced Buick and other manufacturers over decades.... and a power-operated convertible top that was fully concealed by a steel boot when retracted.After the restoration work that has been done on it, the car still shows the wear and tear from when Harley Earl drove it daily.It introduced technological innovations such as electrically operated windows, flush door handles......integrated bumpers complemented the expansive bodywork. In contrast to the previously rather square designs, the Y-Job's streamlined shape emphasized strong horizontal styling elements......the Y-job was the first car built by a mass manufacturer for the sole purpose of determining the public's reaction to new design ideas.While many one-off experimental cars had been made before...The car was restored at the Henry Ford Museum and in 1993 returned to the GM Design Center. The show car itself was actually driven for a number of years by Harley Earl and the daily use has left its traces.Harley Earl, Chief Designer at Buick, invented the concept car.The Buick Y-Job is widely recognized as the world's first concept car.The 2.0l Ecotec engine produces 250hp and 260lb-ft of torqueThe Turbo will go on sale later this year
...integrated bumpers complemented the expansive bodywork.