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5 Fahrzeuge


gepostet am 17.05.11
A new Renault 4? Could it be?
A new Renault 4? Could it be?
Is Renault planning on re-designing the lovely Renault 4? Well, your's truly certanly hopes so. Let's just hope it's kept as simple as it was and it does not become a BMW Mini or a Fiat 500 (too modern and too expensive).
great idea to redesign the Renault 4 am curious what will be the final result!
17.05.2011 @ 11:26
Me too. I love that nice oldie :)
17.05.2011 @ 11:29
Fiat 500 is great. Too expensive I reckon, but it's very well modernized IMO. Would love to see a new modern approach to Renault 4 as well.
17.05.2011 @ 14:36
I guess the problem with the modernization is the price that it carries along. I wouldn't mind that it was modern as long as the price was as accessible as the original price once was (not the same, m...
17.05.2011 @ 14:42
Oh yeah, the car will look either funny, or just cute. Either way, I'm looking forward to it.
17.05.2011 @ 16:31
Yeah, hope the gear shift handle remains in the same place as the classic one (I was going to say "old one" but it just didn't seem right) :)
17.05.2011 @ 16:38
Yeah, if somethings old and great, it's a classic. Consumer advice for you there.
17.05.2011 @ 16:39
If they ever produce a remake, be sure they'll slap a premium on the sticker there - otherwise they'd be missing an opportunity. Citroen has been itching to do the same with the 2CV, they just haven't...
17.05.2011 @ 17:22
Oh and by the way: a "new" Renault 4 has been around for 14 years: drumroll... the Kangoo! An affordable, practical, "reasonable" car, a true spiritual successor: www.autoviva.com/renault_kang...
17.05.2011 @ 17:30
I learned to drive on this one. I don't think it will translate as well as the Mini or 500 which had that ultra-compact, "cuteness" design factor, still curious though
18.05.2011 @ 12:17