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2015-02-27 @ 12:12 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Audi
O novo R8 vai estar disponível com versão bastante atualizada do motor 5.2 litros V10 da primeira geraçãoA Audi também confirmou a existência de uma nova versão R8 e-tron, que terá uma produção limitadaAMG AMG GT3AMG AMG GT3AMG AMG GT3O AMG GT3 vai ser apresentado em Genebra com uma pintura cinzenta matteO novo carro de corrida vai ter o mesmo motor de 6.3 litros V8 do SLS AMG GT3 de 2010O AMG GT3 vai, a partir da próxima temporada, competir no campeonato FIA GT3The vehicle was conceived with a 395hp engine, allowing it to accelerate to 100km/h in just 3.5 seconds and reach 290km/hThe Clubman Vision Gran Turismo wants to portray a road kartIn terms of design the new R8 retains the essential format of the first generationThe new R8 will be available with a fairly updated version of the 5.2 liter V10 engine from the first generationAudi also confirmed the launch of a new R8 e-tron version, which will have a limited productionThe AMG GT3 will be unveiled in Geneva with a matte gray liveryThe engine powering the new racing car will be the same 6.3-liter V8 of the 2010 SLS AMG GT3 de 2010The AMG GT3 will be competing, starting next season, in the FIA ​​GT3 championshipThe new Touran is 12cm longer than the vehicle it replaces, while the wheelbase was lengthened by 11cmThe new Touran will be available with a range of three petrol and three diesel enginesBased on the MQB platform, the Touran fits between the Golf SV and the Sharan seven seaterLand Rover Evoque 2.0 TD4 4x4Land Rover Evoque 2.0 TD4 4x4Land Rover Evoque 2.0 TD4 4x4
Audi R8 V10
N.bek., 25
Location: , Portugal Portugal
Birthday: 30. November

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