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2 Fahrzeuge
Porsche Cayman S
gepostet am 20.10.09
Brakes caput
Brakes caput
For the past few weeks I've been feeling a vibration on the steering wheel when braking. FYI, I've never tracked my car but I drive it pretty briskly, i.e. goes frequently to mountain or twisty roads. I do some stretches where I brake very hard but not more than 4 or 5 hard stops before I ease down for some corners. My CS has 10k miles on the clock.

A few days later I went to leave my car at the dealer and the bad news was that the discs were indeed caput. When cold the vibration wasn't felt or was very mild but as soon as the brakes started heating the vibration was on and pretty severely. In real terms the result is the same I guess.

The good news was that they immediately replaced the rotors with new ones and delivered the car to me a few hours later, so a good job and I as a happier customer after a previous service blunder.

Now I'm left scratching my head what could cause this, but faulty material is a prime suspect. Let’s see how the new rotors behave.

I must adjust the reliability scale one notch down though!
Ao abrigo da garantia...não?!
05.11.2009 @ 01:06
Yep, warranty covered.
05.11.2009 @ 11:06


Consumption15,68 US
Der Hersteller sagt: 22,19 US MPG
8 Rennautos
12 Serienmodelle
  • F333 SP
  • 7 Supersport R
  • Shelby Cobra Daytona Coupe
  • Comet R
  • 312 P
  • Sesto Elemento
  • 911 GT3 RSR
  • 917K
  • Tipo 61 Birdcage
  • 911 GT3 RS 4.0