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2016-03-23 @ 11:08 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Jaguar
Jaguar Classic has decided to build another ultra-exclusive continuation model, the XKSSA construção do XKSS reafirma o compromisso da marca para alimentar a paixão e entusiasmo pelos carros ilustres da JaguarEstes carros irão substituir os que foram perdidos devido ao incêndio da fábrica Browns LaneA Jaguar Classic decidiu retomar a construção de outro modelo ultra-exclusivo, o XKSSMazda MX-5 RF 1.5 SKYACTIV-GMazda MX-5 RF 1.5 SKYACTIV-GMazda MX-5 RF 1.5 SKYACTIV-GMazda MX-5 RF 1.5 SKYACTIV-GMazda MX-5 RF 2.0 SKYACTIV-GMazda MX-5 RF 2.0 SKYACTIV-GThe brand gave the roadster a fastback styling with a smooth roofline that slopes down to the rearMazda keeps true to the purpose of making the roadster experience accessible to a broader range of drivers.The new MX-5 RF will be available in Europe with a choice of two petrol engines, the SKYACTIV-G 1.5 and the SKYACTIV-G 2.0A Mazda mantém-se fiel ao propósito de tornar a experiência roadster acessível a um leque mais amplo de condutoresO novo MX-5 RF estará disponível na Europa com uma escolha de dois motores a gasolina, o SKYACTIV-G 1.5 e o SKYACTIV-G 2.0A Mazda deu ao roadster um estilo fastback com uma linha de tejadilho que desce suavemente para a parte traseiraNissan GT-RNissan GT-RNissan GT-RAlthough its profile shape has been kept untouched, the side sills have been pushed out to improve air flowThe 3.8-liter V6 24-valve twin-turbocharged engine has also been improved and now gives the GT-R a 570hp outputThe front end of the new GT-R has undergone a complete makeover with new chrome matte finish “V-motion” grille
Building the XKSS reaffirms the brand's commitment to nurture the passion and enthusiasm for Jaguar's illustrious cars
N.bek., 25
Location: , Portugal Portugal
Birthday: 30. November

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