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Deutschland Deutschland (1938 - heute)
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2013-08-28 @ 17:06 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Volkswagen
Volkswagen is adding luxury features like an electronic differential and lots of safety techIt will go on sale in the middle of next yearIt is meant as an option between the Golf and Golf EstateThe Golf Sportsvan has a longer wheelbase than the standard GolfVolkswagen Transporter Kombi Last EditionVolkswagen Transporter Kombi Last EditionVolkswagen Transporter Kombi Last EditionVolkswagen Transporter Kombi Last EditionA tecnologia car-to-car poderá ser capaz de revolucionar a segurança automóvelA Volkswagen está a trabalhar em câmaras e sensores mais avançados para tornar a condução mais seguraA terceira geração da tecnologia Park Assist vai conseguir estacionar o carro sem o condutor estar no interiorCar-to-car technology has the possibility of revolutionizing auto safetyVolkswagen is working on more advanced cameras and sensors to make driving saferThe third generation Park Assist system can park without the driver in the carOs carros vão estrear no Salão Automóvel de FrankfurtAmbos utilizam uma transmissão de velocidade única com quatro níveis de recuperação de energiaO e-Golf e o e-up marcam a entrada da Volkswagen no mercado de veículos elétricosThe cars will debut in FrankfurtThey both use a single-speed transmission with four levels of energy recuperationThe e-Golf and e-Up are Volkswagen's entry into the electric vehicle marketVolkswagen Golf RVolkswagen Golf R
Car-to-car technology has the possibility of revolutionizing auto safety