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Deutschland Deutschland (2000 - heute)
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2012-06-25 @ 12:28 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: MINI (BMW)
MINI (BMW) Cooper SD Countryman ALL4O Clubvan estará à venda neste OutonoAs portas traseiras abrem da mesma forma que o Clubman, modelo no qual é baseadoNo exterior o Clubvan parece uma versão com as janelas tapadas do ClubmanO vidro traseiro fica baço quando as portas estão fechadasO Clubvan mantém as portas laterais do ClubmanEm termos de dimensões o Clubvan e o Clubman são idênticosNo interior tem tomadas de 12 voltsDa frente é impossível perceber-se que se trata de um modelo diferenteThe Clubvan will go on sale in the fallThe back of the van opens just like the clubman on which it is basedExternally, the clubvan looks like a rather funny clubman with no side windowsThe rear glass is tinted when the door are closedIt also keeps the side doors from the ClubvanDimensionally, the Clubvan and Clubman are identicalInside the car has 12-volt outletsFrom the front, you would not know the car is differentThe Clubvan will go on sale in the fallThe back of the van opens just like the clubman on which it is basedExternally, the clubvan looks like a rather funny clubman with no side windowsThe rear glass is tinted when the door are closedIt also keeps the side doors from the Clubvan
Dimensionally, the Clubvan and Clubman are identical