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2012-08-16 @ 15:22 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Ford
It is based on the Shelby GT500 with a 4.0-liter Ford Racing superchargerFord quer lutar de igual para igual com a Toyota pelo domínio do mercado dos veículos híbridosFord is up for a big fight against Toyota to take its hybrid market share in the USA variety of automakers and energy companies participated in the studyTest drives allow a buyer to really know a carViagens mais longas aumentam probabilidade do condutor se irritarFord GT40 utilizado para a promoção da Shelby AmericanO Gulf/Mirage GT40 competiu nos trials em Le Mans com Jacky Ickx ao volante antes de ser vendido à Solar ProductionsJacky Ickx ao volante do GT40 Gulf/MirageThe study found that longer commutes lead to more road rageThe C-Max Hybrid is available for order now in the USThe virtual factory allows Ford to simulate everything from what workers will do to complete factoriesFord's Spainish factory is likely the first to be completely simulatedFord is not losing money yet, but they are not making as much as it did last yearIt is the fifth car that Ford has created for AirVentureThe car is inspired by the P-51 Mustang as flown by the Tuskegee Airmen The C-Max is a major part of Ford's campaign to sell more electric vehicles in the USA fábrica de Genk produz o Mondeo e está confirmada a produção da próxima geraçãoA fábrica de Southampton produz a carroçaria do Transit, mas está a produzir menos um terço da sua capacidadeOs preços dos carros compactos como o caso do Ka estão a ser reduzidosThe Genk factory builds the Mondeo and is confirmed to build the next generationThe Southampton plant produces Transit bodies but is running at less than one third capacity
Ford quer lutar de igual para igual com a Toyota pelo domínio do mercado dos veículos híbridos