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2015-01-13 @ 14:41 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Ford
Ford Shelby Mustang GT350RCom uma potência superior a 500cv a Ford criou a versão seguindo o “mesmo espírito” do Shelby GT350 Competition originalO Shelby Mustang GT350R está equipado com um motor V8 de 5.2 litros naturalmente aspiradoEm comparação ao GT350 a Ford conseguiu reduzir em 59kg o peso do GT350RMINI (BMW) John Cooper WorksMINI (BMW) John Cooper WorksMINI (BMW) John Cooper WorksMINI (BMW) John Cooper WorksMINI (BMW) John Cooper WorksO novo John Cooper Works é baseado no Cooper S de três portas e recebe atualizações que lhe conferem uma maior capacidade de desempenhoA equipar o John Cooper Works a MINI colocou uma versão revista do motor 2.0 litros de quatro cilindros do Cooper com uma potência de 231cvVersão vai ser combinada com uma caixa manual de seis velocidades de série, ou uma automática de seis velocidades opcionalIn the center of the NSX performance capabilities is the new V6 with 75 degrees, mounted in a central position The next generation NSX is the result of nearly three years of intensive development by a global design and engineering teamFirst deliveries planned for the end of the yearThe new 4C Spider will be powered by the same mid-engine turbo four-cylinder 1.7-liter of the 4CThe big difference between the 4C and 4C Spider is the retractable roof, which will initially be in fabricCombined with the six-speed TCT dual-clutch transmission the engine offers 237hp of output and 350Nm of torqueWith an output above 500hp Ford created the version following the The Shelby Mustang GT350R is powered by a 5.2 liter V8, Ford's most powerfull naturally aspirated engine everCompared to the GT350, Ford managed to reduce 59kg of weight in the GT350RThe new John Cooper Works is based on the three-door Cooper S and receives updates that give it a greater performance stance
Ford Shelby Mustang GT350R
N.bek., 25
Location: , Portugal Portugal
Birthday: 30. November

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