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Deutschland Deutschland (1863 - heute)
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2012-08-30 @ 15:39 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Opel
From 1997, Europe's first three-cylinder, four-valve engine can be found under the hood of the Corsa. A Corsa notchback sedan was added to A family in 1985. In 1988, German tennis star Steffi Graf was the official face of the Corsa Steffi Special edition. The Spider is launched in 1985, 2 years after the Corsa A debut, together with the Irmscher tuning company. The Mokka and Trax are GM's first compact SUV offeringsA mudança pode salvar a fábrica de Rüsselheim, mas prejudicar a FrançaThe move could save Rüsselsheim but may hurt FranceOpel está a reduzir a produção de forma a tentar poupar dinheiro e salvar a empresaOpel is cutting production to save money and hopefully save the companyFritz von Opel in RAK 2 on the AVUS track in Berlin, May 23, 1928.O sistema desvia-se do caminho quando o condutor precisa de ir à malaQuando não está a ser utilizado o FlexFlix baixa até ao pára-choques traseiroO FlexFlix pode transportar duas bicicletas com um adaptador extraDas Firmenlogo aus dem Jahre 1909.Bicycle advertisement in the art nouveau style of the period, 1899150 years of Opel150 Jahre OpelAdam Opels erste handgefertigte Nähmaschine (1862).Höhepunkt der Motorradentwicklung von Opel ist die avantgardistische Motoclub mit Pressstahlrahmen, Kuppeltank und Luftkissensattel mit 500 ccm (1928Das erste Auto made in Rüsselsheim: der Opel Patent Motorwagen System Lutzmann (1899).Opel e PSA a planear desenvolvimento conjunto de modelosMais variantes do Adam são uma opção para a Opel, mas ainda não há nenhuma sugestão em concreto
From 1997, Europe's first three-cylinder, four-valve engine can be found under the hood of the Corsa.

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