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Deutschland Deutschland (1938 - heute)
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2012-04-23 @ 18:47 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Volkswagen
Volkswagen Beetle RagsterVolkswagen Beetle RagsterVolkswagen Beetle RagsterVolkswagen Beetle RagsterThis might work as a niche version of the Beetle to compete against the Mini RoadsterApparently, it was registered in Michigan, who knew?The nacelles behind the passengers give the E-Bugster a sport lookThe 20in wheels fill out the wheel wells better than the standard carFrom the top you can see the sports seats and info screenVW cut the roof off of the E-Bugster from DetriotFrom this angle you can really see the lower windshieldThis might work as a niche version of the Beetle to compete against the Mini RoadsterApparently, it was registered in Michigan, who knew?The nacelles behind the passengers give the E-Bugster a sport lookThe 20in wheels fill out the wheel wells better than the standard carFrom the top you can see the sports seats and info screenVW cut the roof off of the E-Bugster from DetriotFrom this angle you can really see the lower windshieldThis might work as a niche version of the Beetle to compete against the Mini RoadsterApparently, it was registered in Michigan, who knew?The nacelles behind the passengers give the E-Bugster a sport lookThe 20in wheels fill out the wheel wells better than the standard car
From the top you can see the sports seats and info screen