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2013-01-24 @ 17:37 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: GM
O Chevy Sail é um dos seus carros na ChinaCriou uma parceria com a chinesa SAIC numa joint ventureA General Motors tem-se estabelecido entre as mais bem sucedidas fabricantes na ChinaThe Chevy Sail is one of its more cars in ChinaIt has partnered with Chinese automaker SAIC in a joint ventureGeneral Motors has been among the most successful automakers in ChinaGeneral Motors has been working on globalization and lowering its cars' cost. It is among the automotive leaders in China and BrazilO anúncio dos detalhes da parceria foram anunciados numa conferência de imprensa no Salão Automóvel de BruxelasGM está desesperada para conseguir reduzir os custos na Europa, enquanto que a PSA precisa de aumentar as vendasPresidente da GM Europa Steve Girsky e o Presidente da PSA Philippe Varin estiveram juntos no anúncioThe announcements about the co-developed vehicles came during a press conference at the Brussels Motor ShowGM has been desperate to cut costs in Europe, while PSA wants to increase salesGM Europe Boss Steve Girsky and Philippe Varin, PSA Chairman, were on hand for the announcementGM está a trabalhar para acabar com os consecutivos prejuízos operacionais na EuropaGirsky já tinha assumido o cargo na altura do lançamento do Opel AdamGirsky assumiu a liderança da GM Europa depois de Karl Friedrich Stracke ter sido forçado a abandonar o cargoGM is working to shed the losses of its European operationsGirsky was on hand at the debut of the Opel AdamGirsky took over GM Europe after it forced Karl Friedrich Stracke to step downGM e PSA formaram uma parceria no ano passado e têm vindo a trabalhar para a desenvolverem desde entãoGM and PSA formed a partnership last year and have been working to broaden it since thenOs credores alegam que os credores de fundos de parcerias limitadas foram alvo de tratamento especial
GM Europe Boss Steve Girsky and Philippe Varin, PSA Chairman, were on hand for the announcement

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