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2014-04-11 @ 10:37 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Bugatti
The Black Bess Bugatti Legend is based on the 1200PS Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport VitesseBuilt during the pre-war era, the Bugatti Type 18 became at the time one of the brand's most important carsOne of customers of an extremely select group was the famed and celebrated French aviation pioneer Roland GarrosInside the “Black Bess” Legend Vitesse has been upholstered using exclusive leatherThe EB logo on the rear of the vehicle also features a similarly brilliant gold finishThe tank and oil caps have been engraved with the Black Bess nameplate and finished with gold paintThe golden horseshoe constrats with the background of the black front grilleThe body of the Black Bess Vitesse is constructed entirely of carbon fibre and is painted completely blackSome of the special edition body components have been coated in 24-carat gold, like the frame of the horseshoe grilleGold-coloured stripes that start below the headlights and radiate out over the front wings towards the rearThe hub covers on the black rims also bear the initials of the company’s founder, Ettore BugattiThe Black Bess Bugatti Legend is based on the 1200PS Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport VitesseBuilt during the pre-war era, the Bugatti Type 18 became at the time one of the brand's most important carsOne of customers of an extremely select group was the famed and celebrated French aviation pioneer Roland GarrosÚltimo Veyron Bugatti Legends é baseado no modelo histórico Type 41 RoyaleEsta é a sexta e última edição especial Bugatti LegendsApresentação vai decorrer no Pebble Beach Concours D'EleganceUm dos principais detalhes interiores é o elefante dançante revestido a platina, esculpido originalmente pelo irmão de Ettore Bugatti, RembrandtDodge Intrepid ES 3.3 V6Dodge Intrepid ES 3.5 V6Dodge Intrepid SE 2.7 V6Dodge Intrepid ES 3.2 V6
Gold-coloured stripes that start below the headlights and radiate out over the front wings towards the rear
N.bek., 25
Location: , Portugal Portugal
Birthday: 30. November

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