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Großbritannien Großbritannien (1952 - heute)
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2013-11-17 @ 20:57 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Lotus
Lotus Exige V6 Cup RLotus Exige V6 Cup RLotus Exige V6 Cup RLotus Exige V6 CupLotus Exige V6 CupLotus Exige V6 CupLotus Exige S Cup RLotus Exige S Cup RGrosjean fez um grande trabalho para segurar WebberGrosjean did an admirable job to hold off WebberLotus has hired Heikki Kovalainen for the final two racesLewis Hamilton still has a chance to score second in the pointsFormula 1 has just two rounds left in the championshipKovalainen will race in the final two races of the year for LotusO carro foi criado para competir nos campeonatos Lotus Cup por todo o mundoThe car is built for racing in the Lotus Cup series around the worldRomain Grosjean was third fastest in the second practice sessionA Honda já tem uma longa história na Fórmula 1Os fins que manobram o veículo são controlados por alavancas no interior do carroCarro é movido a motores elétricos que enviam a potência para quatro hélicesO carro foi o único submarino feito para o filme do 007The controls are handled by the fins with levers in the cockpit
Grosjean did an admirable job to hold off Webber