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2013-08-30 @ 15:40 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Lotus
Raikkonen has not committed to a team for the 2014 season yetHe has been rumored to be negotiating with multiple teams and decided not to drive for Red BullHe says the performance is more important than money for himTires may have problems again for the next raceFinlandês ocupa atualmente o segundo lugar no Campeonato do MundoRaikkonen deverá ficar na Lotus na próxima temporada, apesar de não ser garantidoRaikkonen terminou as conversações com a Red Bull sem ter chegado a acordo com a equipa austríacaHe is currently in second place in the World Drivers' ChampionshipRaikkonen will likely stay with Lotus next season, but it is not guaranteedRaikkonen has ended talks with Red Bull and won't race with the team next seasonLotus has been third fastest in both Friday practice sessionsIt is planning to revamp the lineup with more power over the next three yearsIt is already doing better this year with 80 cars soldLotus sold just 70 cars last yearNo Grande Prémio da Alemanha os dois pilotos terminaram em segundo e terceiro lugarOs dois pilotos levaram a Lotus a alcançar algum sucessoLopez tenciona manter Raikkonen e Grosjean na equipaEcclestone já afirmou que sai do comando da Fórmula 1 se for condenadoEcclestone has said he would step down from Formula 1 if convictedThey finished second and third in the German Grand PrixThe two drivers have brought Lotus relative successLopez plans to keep Raikkonen and Grosjean with the team
He has been rumored to be negotiating with multiple teams and decided not to drive for Red Bull

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