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Großbritannien Großbritannien (1922 - heute)
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2013-05-17 @ 18:51 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Jaguar
The rally is open to cars built from 1927 to 1957It is considered a major event on the classic car calendarThe XF is among Jaguar's best selling modelsO modelo encontra-se disponível com um motor V6 supercharged ou um V8 superchargedO carro pretende ser um regresso aos modelos desportivos clássicos da Jaguar mas com um design moderno e muita tecnologiaOs primeiros F-Type para os clientes saíram da fábrica da Jaguar no dia 9 de maioThe cars are offered with either a supercharged V6 or supercharged V8The car is meant to spiritually be a throwback to classic Jaguars wrapped in modern styling and technologyThe first F-Types for the public shipped out of the Jaguar factory on May 9Jaguar does not want to return to retro-designed carsThere was a rumor that Asia would get its own body styleThe XJ will get two wheelbase lengths in its next generationO XKR-S GT apresentado em Nova Iorque servirá de inspiração para futuras versões limitadasUm protótipo da versão poderá ser apresentado ainda este ano no Goodwood Festival of SpeedA potência poderá ser aumentada até aos 600cvJaguar está a planear uma versão GT do F-TypeThe XKR-S GT introduced in New York is inspiring the new modelsThe car may be revealed at the Goodwood Festival of SpeedPower could be brought up to around 600hpJaguar is planning a GT model for the F-TypeMarcas como a MG e a Triumph não tiveram tanta sorteBrands like MG and Triumph were not as lucky
It is considered a major event on the classic car calendar

Verwandte Themen

F-Type im neuen Musikvideo von Lana Del Rey
F-Type im neuen Musikvideo von Lana Del ReyChristopher Bruce - 2013.02.15