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2013-08-16 @ 19:53 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Audi
O carro fará a sua estreia mundial no Salão Automóvel de FrankfurtNa traseira a Audi reformulou o design dos faróis e dos escapesDe lado o A8 parece idêntico à versão atualA Audi modificou a frente do carro e deu-lhe um design mais angular e mais expressivoAudi is doing quite well with sales growing worldwideThe car will debut at the Frankfurt Motor ShowAt the rear, Audi has reshaped the taillights and exhaustFrom the side, the car is basically the sameAudi is reworking the front of the car to be sharper and blunterIt is planned to offer two plug-in hybrid options - one petrol and one diesel. It can lower the company's average emissionsIt will use VW Group's new platform for modular longitudinal engine carsAudi is working on a new generation A4 based for 2015They will debut on the refreshed A8The headlights can direct light around other cars by turning off sections of the lightThe turn signals also use active matrix LEDSAudi développe les nouveaux standards LTE sur ses voituresAudi développe les nouveaux standards LTE sur ses voituresAudi développe les nouveaux standards LTE sur ses voituresAudi S3 SportbackAudi S3 SportbackAudi S3 SportbackO pacote está disponível na versão Coupé e Roadster
It is planned to offer two plug-in hybrid options - one petrol and one diesel. It can lower the company's average emissions