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2014-04-15 @ 12:25 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Land Rover
Land Rover Discovery Vision ConceptLand Rover Discovery Vision ConceptLand Rover Discovery Vision ConceptLand Rover Discovery Vision ConceptLand Rover Discovery Vision ConceptLand Rover Discovery Vision ConceptComparativamente à geração anterior o novo Murano é ligeiramente mais baixo, mais largo e mais compridoNissan descreve a nova geração como um protótipo que chegou aos concessionáriosO veículo sofreu uma melhoria aerodinâmica de 16%O Murano recebe a nova grelha em forma de V, que tem sido introduzida em todos os novos modelos da marcaNo lançamento, o novo Murano será oferecido com um motor 3.5 V6 a gasolina de 260cv com uma caixa CVT X-tronicA Nissan espera que o consumo de combustível seja reduzido em cerca de 20%In terms of design the DS 6WR receives some of the features premiered on the DS 5LSAfter the DS 5 and DS 5LS, the DS 6WR will become the third model to be produced by Citroën in ChinaThe new DS 6WR will be available with two four-cylinder engines of 1.6 liters, with 160 and 200hpCompared to the previous generation, the new Murano is slightly lower, wider and longerNissan describes the new generation as a concept that came to the showroomsThe vehicle suffered an aerodynamic improvement of 16%The Murano gets a new V-shaped grille, which has been introduced on all brand new modelsAt launch, the new Murano will be offered with a 3.5 V6 petrol engine of 260hp coupled with an X- tronic CVTNissan expects fuel consumption to lower about 20% due to a 58kg lighter fuel tankThe new Land Rover concept represents a vision of the future family of vehicles Land Rover Discovery, the first of which will be released in 2015
Land Rover Discovery Vision Concept
N.bek., 25
Location: , Portugal Portugal
Birthday: 30. November

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