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Deutschland Deutschland (1924 - heute)
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2016-04-04 @ 10:46 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Mercedes-Benz
Hamilton and Raikkonen finished in second and third places respectivelyRosberg venceu as três corridas da temporada disputadas até ao momentoPartindo do último lugar Lewis Hamilton não conseguiu ir além do sétimo lugarO piloto da Mercedes tem agora uma vantagem de 36 pontos no campeonato sobre o seu companheiro de equipa Lewis HamiltonThe Mercedes driver now has a 36 point lead in the championship standings over his team-mate Lewis HamiltonRosberg has won all three races since the start of the seasonStarting from last place after Lewis Hamilton didn't manage to go further than seventh placeLewis Hamilton votlou a ter problemas no arranque da corridaRosberg alcançou a segunda vitória da temporadaO alemão tem agora 17 pontos de vantagem sobre o atual campeão do mundoThe German now has a 17 points lead over the reigning world championRosberg took the second win of the seasonLewis Hamilton had once again problems on the start of the raceMore powerful AMG versions are also scheduled for a later launchMercedes will be launching the new GLC Coupé with a range of three engine optionsThis is a model that will rival the BMW X4, Porsche Macan and Jaguar F-PaceMercedes-Benz GLC 250 4MATIC CoupéMercedes-Benz GLC 250 4MATIC CoupéMercedes-Benz GLC 250 4MATIC CoupéMercedes-Benz GLC 220d 4MATIC CoupéMercedes-Benz GLC 220d 4MATIC CoupéMercedes-Benz GLC 220d 4MATIC Coupé
Lewis Hamilton had once again problems on the start of the race

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