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2014-08-06 @ 12:44 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Mercedes-Benz
The brand claims that the vehicle may reach a top speed of 467km/hThe Venom F5 will continue as the Venom GT to be based on the Lotus EliseThe F5 designation of the new supercar derives from the F5 level, the highest on the Fujita scale which measures the intensity of tornadosThe new model of the British luxury brand should be a convertible based on the same platform as the WraithThe revitalization of the Corniche name may well be one of the possibilitiesIn the case of the Rapide S output has increased by 2hp to 560hpBy reducing the exhaust gas back pressure, among other refinements, Aston Martin managed to slightly increase the power output of both the Vanquish anIn the case of Vanquish 3hp were increased to a total of 576hpWith the introduction of the new Touchtronic III from ZF the new Vanquish and Rapide S saw their performance improveHennessey Venom F5Hennessey Venom F5Hennessey Venom F5Mercedes-Benz V 220 CDI AvantgardeMercedes-Benz V 250 BlueTEC Avantgarde AutoMercedes-Benz V 250 BlueTEC Edition 1 AutoAston Martin Vanquish VolanteAston Martin Vanquish VolanteDodge Diplomat Wagon 3.7Dodge Diplomat 3.7Dodge Diplomat 5.2 V8Gama inicial vai incluir quatro motores a gasolina e três dieselNova geração do Skoda Fabia vai ser apresentada em Outubro no Salão Automóvel de Paris
Mercedes-Benz S Coupé 500 Auto BE 4Matic
N.bek., 25
Location: , Portugal Portugal
Birthday: 30. November

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