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2013-11-26 @ 23:38 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Audi
Audi has already secured the manufacturers' championship and drivers' championshipNext season the WEC will see major changes with all of the top cars being hybridsThe R8 is getting a new, dedicated factory in NeckarsulmThe factory will be able to build the R8 from start to finishRupert Stadler deu a entender que o Sport Quattro Concept pode vir a ser produzidoVeíuclo combina design moderno, um formato clássico e a próxima geração de motoresO protótipo Nanuk tem menos probabilidade de vir a ser produzidoA Edição Exclusive vai ser limitada a uma produção de 50 unidadesO A8L W12 já é a versão topo de gama do Audi A8O interior foi totalmente refeito e revestido com materiais de elevada qualidadeThe Exclusive will be limited to 50 unitsThe A8L W12 is already the top A8 modelThe interior is redone to be covered in high quality, furniture-quality leatherRupert Stadler hinted that the Sport Quattro concept has a chance to enter productionIt combines things like modern design, a classic shape and next generation powertrainThe Nanuk concept is far less likely to make it to production, he saysIt is switching to Audi power for the first timeIt has shown itself to be a very talented teamFlying Lizard started racing in 2004It will race in the new United Sports Car ChampionshipIt won class championships in 2008, 2009 and 2013Audi tenciona lançar o modelo na China e nos EUA em 2014
Next season the WEC will see major changes with all of the top cars being hybrids