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Deutschland Deutschland (1909 - heute)
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2013-02-04 @ 20:36 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Audi
Power comes from the new long stroke 2.0 TFSIThe Audi S3 Sportback makes the car more family friendlyBMW 3 series vs. Audi A4 vs. Mercedes C-ClassThe Audi S3 introduced the new long-stroke, 2.0 TFSI engine with 300hpAudi has been among the leaders in technological innovation for luxury cars. It pioneered the use of aluminum in mass produced cars and is working on Eleição recebeu 20,000 votos através da InternetThe list was received 20,000 votes on the InternetBesuceher können die Fahrzeuge in voller Größe sehen und nach Wunsch ändernDer nächste Showroom kommt nach BerlinDer Showroom in Shanghai ist der zweite weltweitAudi City soll einen vollständigen Showroom auf kleinerer Fläche darstellenUma parede com projeção permite aos compradores verem os carros em tamanho real e mudarem-nos rapidamenteA próxima cidade a albergar um Audi City será BerlimO concessionário em Pequim é o segundo Audi City em todo o mundoO Audi City pretende oferecer toda a informação disponível num concessionário tradicional, mas num espaço mais reduzidoA projected wall allows buyers to see cars in full scale and change them on the flyThe next Audi city will open in BerlinThe showroom in Beijing is the second Audi City location in the worldAudi City attempts to bring a full automotive showroom into a smaller environmentAudi will enter three cars into the 6 Hours of Spa and 24 Hours of Le MansAudi mostra o sonho de qualquer rapaz com um carro potente sem qualquer supervisãoAudi shows every boy's dream of a fast car an no supervision
O Audi City pretende oferecer toda a informação disponível num concessionário tradicional, mas num espaço mais reduzido