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2015-04-01 @ 10:39 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Porsche
The new CT6 is the first of a series of eight new models that will be launched until the end of 2020Powering the new luxury sedan at launch will be three petrol enginesThe new CT6 has an estimated kerb weight of less than 1700kgO novo CT6 é o primeiro de uma série de oito novos modelos que serão lançados até ao final de 2020Equipados no lançamento do novo sedan de luxo vão estar três motores a gasolinaO novo CT6 tem um peso estimado inferior a 1700 kgCadillac CT6 3.0L V-6 twin-turbo DOHC DICadillac CT6 3.6L V-6 DOHC DCadillac CT6 2.0L I-4 turbo DOHC DIThe new top model of the Boxster range maintains the distinctive character of its predecessorThe new Boxster Spyder is equipped with a six-cylinder boxer engine with 3.8 liters with a 375hp outputIn terms of design the Boxster Spyder includes stylized elements that bring to mind Porsche's sports and competition modelsCompared to the previous generation, the new RX is slightly longer, wider and tallerThanks to the larger wheelbase of the new RX, the new generation offers more interior spaceThe RX will be facing the competition of models such as the Range Rover Sport, BMW X5 and Mercedes-Benz GLELexus RX 450hLexus RX 450hLexus RX 300Lexus RX F-SportLexus RX F-SportLexus RX F-SportEm comparação com a geração anterior o novo RX é ligeiramente mais longo, mais largo e mais alto
O novo Boxster Spyder está equipado com um motor boxer de seis cilindros com 3,8 litros a debitar 375cv.
N.bek., 25
Location: , Portugal Portugal
Birthday: 30. November

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