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2013-10-29 @ 13:52 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Bentley
It has shed thousands of pounds for the racing versionIt signed Guy Smith, Steven Kane and Andy Meyrick to drive the carIt was prepared by M-Sport and Bentley MotorsportThe Continental GT3 will go racing in the 12 Hours of DubaiOs participantes ficam alojados num resort a 60 quilómetros do Círculo Polar ÁrticoO quatro vezes campeão do mundo de rális Juha Kankkunen é o mentor do programa da BentleyO programa Power on Ice pretende ensinar os participantes a conduzirem melhor na neve e no geloVisitors stay at a resort 60km south of the Arctic CircleFour-time WRC champion Juha Kankkunen leads the program for BentleyThe Power on Ice program is meant to teach drivers how to drive on ice and snow betterIt is the first automaker to receive the designation The factory reduced its water use by 35.7% in the past yearBentley is actually losing sales in China, which is odd compared to most other luxury automakersThe latest Continental S models turn up the power on the turbocharged V8The Flying Spur is Bentley's latest sedan on the Continental platformBentley ouvre une nouvelle concession à LyonIt uses a 600hp version of the 4.0-liter twin-turbo V8The car cuts 1,300kg over the standard carThe Bentley will make its track debut in December at Yas MarinaO SUV da Bentley vai ter tração integral e terá uma distância ao solo elevada, mas não vai ser concebido como um todo-o-terrenoO SUV da Bentley deverá ser apresentado em 2016 e deverá ter versões híbridas e a dieselA Bentley quer copiar a gama da Rolls-Royce para diversificar o Mulsanne
O programa Power on Ice pretende ensinar os participantes a conduzirem melhor na neve e no gelo