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2015-03-02 @ 10:55 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Mitsubishi
In terms of design the concept receives the traditional language of the Mitsubishi SUVs, including the central grilleThe hybrid powertrain includes a conventional internal combustion engine combined with a new electric motor and a 12k/Wh batteryA Land Rover refere em comunicado que os detalhes sobre o novo modelo SUV compacto premium serão revelados em breveForam hoje divulgadas as primeiras imagens do primeiro SUV compacto descapotável do mundoLand Rover refers in a statement that the details of the new premium compact SUV model will be revealed soonToday the first images of the first compact SUV convertible in the world were released, although the vehicle was still with a camouflage liveryLand Rover Evoque Coupé 2.0 TD4 4x2Land Rover Evoque Coupé 2.0 TD4 4x4Land Rover Evoque Coupé 2.0 TD4 4x4Land Rover Evoque Coupé 2.0 TD4 4x4Land Rover Evoque Coupé 2.0 Si4 4x4Land Rover Evoque Coupé 2.0 TD4 4x4Aston Martin DBX ConceptAston Martin DBX ConceptAston Martin DBX ConceptThe DBX Concept allows Aston Martin to widen its appeal and reach a more diverse global audienceThe DBX Concept uses electric motors mounted inboard of the wheels and powered by lithium sulphur cellsThe Aston Martin DBX Concept bets on day-to-day practicality, with generous luggage capacity and room for four adult passengersO protótipo permite à Aston Martin alargar a sua atratividade e alcançar uma audiência global mais diversificadaO DBX Concept utiliza motores elétricos montados no interior das rodas alimentados por células de enxofre de lítioO veículo aposta na funcionalidade do dia-a-dia com uma generosa capacidade de carga e espaço para quatro adultosKoenigsegg Agera RS
O sistema híbrido inclui um motor de combustão interna convencional combinado com um novo motor elétrico e uma bateria de 12k/Wh
N.bek., 25
Location: , Portugal Portugal
Birthday: 30. November

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