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Deutschland Deutschland (1863 - heute)
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2012-08-23 @ 11:30 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Opel
150 years of Opel150 Jahre OpelAdam Opels erste handgefertigte Nähmaschine (1862).Höhepunkt der Motorradentwicklung von Opel ist die avantgardistische Motoclub mit Pressstahlrahmen, Kuppeltank und Luftkissensattel mit 500 ccm (1928Das erste Auto made in Rüsselsheim: der Opel Patent Motorwagen System Lutzmann (1899).Opel e PSA a planear desenvolvimento conjunto de modelosMais variantes do Adam são uma opção para a Opel, mas ainda não há nenhuma sugestão em concretoA broadened offer on the ADAM is an option for Opel but no concrete variants have been suggested yet.Opel and PSA are planning the joint development of entire models.Opel/PSA schmiedet Zukunftspläne und Opel betreibt Familienplanung für ADAM Opel/PSA schmiedet Zukunftspläne und Opel betreibt Familienplanung für ADAM FlexFix will carry two bikes with an extra adaptor  It tilts out of the way if the driver needs into the cargo areaWhen not in use the FlexFix collapses into the rear bumperAdam aposta num design moderno e na variedade de personalização para tentar conquistar compradoresOpel Adam é o novo modelo compacto da marca alemãIt initially comes in three trims with three engine tunes but more are on the wayThe Adam is meant to be a small car with lots of style like the BMW MiniOpel setzt auf eine breite Palette an Personalisierungsoptionen.Der Opel ADAM soll Mini und dem Fiat 500 Konkurrenz machen.A tecnologia de comunicação entre carros ainda está na sua fase embrionáriaCar-to-Car communication technology is still in its infancy
Opel e PSA a planear desenvolvimento conjunto de modelos

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