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Deutschland Deutschland (1931 - heute)
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2013-09-23 @ 15:29 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Porsche
Os carros têm tração integralA aceleração até aos 100km/h acontece em menos de 3.5 segundosThe cars feature rear-wheel steering and all-wheel driveAcceleration to 100km/h for both takes less than 3.5 secondsThe cars come standard with a PDK transmissionBoth the Turbo and Turbo S share the same engineThe cars are much more efficient than the previous generationThe interior has 18-way adjustable seatsThe rear fenders are 28mm (1.1in) wider than even the Carrera 4The top has a magnesium frame for lightness and strengthThe 918 has just entered productionPorsche says that a third of them are still availableThe Weissach package cuts 77lbs of weight from the carThe Weissach package cuts 77lbs of weight from the carPorsche says that a third of them are still availableThe 918 has just entered productionAs vendas da Porsche continuam a aumentar, mesmo sem o lançamento do novo MacanPorsche sales continue to grow, and the company still has new models to addPorsche está a preparar mais versões híbrids para o futuroMarca já oferece versões híbridas do Cayenne e do PanameraO 911 GT3 R Hybrid foi a primeira amostra da aposta da marca na tecnologia elétricaA Porsche está a trabalhar num motor boxer de quatro cilindros para o Boxster e para o Cayman
Os carros têm tração integral

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