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2014-08-27 @ 10:27 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Volvo
Volvo XC T6 First EditionLED daytime headlights One of the main innovations is the new grille with a more prominent emblemThe XC90 also marks the start of a new phase of design at VolvoThe top-end version of the new XC90 will receive the new T8 badge, a plug-in electric vehicle, a hybrid car and a high performance car in oneThe new XC90 is based on the new Volvo Scalable Platform Architecture (SPA) and will be equipped with the new engine family Drive-EOver the past three years, Volvo spent € 8.34 billion developing the new XC90 modelLe tout nouveau Volvo XC90Le tout nouveau Volvo XC90Le tout nouveau Volvo XC90Le tout nouveau Volvo XC90Le tout nouveau Volvo XC90Le tout nouveau Volvo XC90Ao longo dos últimos três anos a Volvo gastou 8.34 mil milhões de euros no desenvolvimento do novo XC90O novo XC90 é baseado na avançada plataforma Scalable Platform Architecture da VolvoA versão topo de gama do novo XC90 vai receber o novo emblema T8, num veículo combina tecnolgias elétrica plug-in, híbirda e de performanceO XC90 marca igualmente o arranque de uma nova fase de design da VolvoUma das principais novidades é a grelha com o novo emblema mais proeminenteOs faróis diurnos LED “Martelo de Thor” em forma de T são outra das novidades do novo modeloWeltpremiere des neuen Volvo XC90Weltpremiere des neuen Volvo XC90Weltpremiere des neuen Volvo XC90
Over the past three years, Volvo spent € 8.34 billion developing the new XC90 model