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2 Fahrzeuge
Porsche Cayman S
gepostet am 20.10.09
Porsche Cayman S pick up day
Porsche Cayman S pick up day
The day I picked up my car, one of the most memorable experiences of my life, I was in hyperactive mode such was the emotion overload.

Very professional delivery, as expected, they even offered me a Cayman S Porsche miniature, Arctic Silver no less, and a complimentary tank full of gas.

Special mention to the PSE option, even just blipping the throttle slightly in idling it produces a very "complex" growl. While driving every blip gives you a touch of that racing snarl , can't wait to complete run in period to give it full voice. Will report more on this at a later stage for those interested in this option.

The weather as been awful here but the god's had mercy on me and it didn't rain all the time I was out wandering with my new baby. I parked it safely and after a while the skies opened!

If I close my eyes I can easily do a virtual tour of my car as it sits in the garage, sense its interior smell and exhaust/engine heat as it cools down. Did this happen to you? I'm hopelessly in love, gonna skip dating and go straight to marriage!

Here are some pics as it sat waiting for me, it was a miracle I got a grip to get this shots as I wasn't exactly thinking about good composition and exposure. Hopefully I'll take more decent one's on future outings!


Consumption15,68 US
Der Hersteller sagt: 22,19 US MPG
8 Rennautos
12 Serienmodelle
  • 356 A Carrera 1500 GT Coupé by Reutter
  • 312 P
  • D-Type
  • 500 Mondial
  • Tipo 61 Birdcage
  • E-Type 3.8
  • 7 Supersport R
  • Atom 2
  • Comet R
  • Exige S 240