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Deutschland Deutschland (1931 - heute)
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2012-08-13 @ 13:13 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Porsche
It introduced the 911 Turbo in 1975 and began working on it in 1972Porsche 911 Carrera Coupe Police CarO Panamera Shooting Brake tem sido um rumor constante ao longo deste verãoPorsche won the Paris Dakar Rally with the 959The Porsche 356 1600 Super Coupe was among the fastest versions of the car madeThe car looks slightly awkwardPorsche built just two, four-door 928sThe Panamera Shooting Brake has been an ongoing rumor this summerPorsche's more mainstream models like the Cayenne and Panamera have brought the brand success. A Porsche abriu as portas do seu armazém secreto onde guarda alguns dos seus carros mais raros.O 984 foi o protótipo de um Porsche mais pequeno que apareceu antes do Boxster chegar ao mercadoThe 984 was a concept for a smaller Porsche before the BoxsterPorsche warehouse is where some of the weirdest cars are keptO que revela o Porsche 911 Turbo sobre o seu país de origem?O Pavilhão da Porsche pretende mostrar a filosofia da marca alemãThe Porsche Pavilion is meant to show the philosophy of the Porsche brandA segunda geração do Panamera e o Pajun irão partilhar a mesma plataformaWhat does the Porsche 911 Turbo reveal about its country of origin?The second generation Panamera and Pajun will share platformsWiedeking was responsible for green-lighting the Boxster and CayenneWiedeking (ao centro) e Haerter (à direita) ao lado de Wolfgang PorscheThe 911 GT1 was also a successful race car
Porsche warehouse is where some of the weirdest cars are kept

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