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1 car


gepostet am 13.07.11
Pretty funny accident scene..try not to laugh
Funniest accident scene ever!
  • Funniest accident scene ever!
  • Funniest accident scene ever!
  • Funniest accident scene ever!
  • Funniest accident scene ever!
In the 'New South Africa' since the abolishment of the dreadful apartheid, things have turned around dramatically in order to "balance out" opportunities for the previously disadvantaged. So that means being white is now a disadvantage as many job positions are now held purely for the African race and Whites are now being discriminated against, even for those that were born after apartheid.

In my case I was informed a few years ago that I should not even apply to the South African Air force or to South African Airways training Academy as they were only looking to train African people. This led to me being forced to pay for my own training to acquire my commercial pilot license while other races were being invited into these training schemes at no cost to them. This has been expensive for me resulting in a decent amount of debt. Welcome to the 'New South Africa!'

Now these people in the photos are obviously a bit slow in realizing that being white is now not such a good thing in this country. But at least a good shower will do the trick in restoring their 'current benefits'. This incident occurred late last year in Durban on the East coast of South Africa. The fiat Palio was involved in an accident while transporting a 25 litre bucket of white paint. Fortunately the family in the vehicle sustained no injuries other than being 'currently disadvantaged' for a day.

Good story... tried not to laugh but it's not easy;)
14.07.2011 @ 18:51