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2016-05-30 @ 11:27 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Mercedes-Benz
Mercedes-Benz C 250d 4MATIC Station WagonMercedes-Benz C 250dHamilton took his 44th career win and the first since he won the third world championship at the United States Grand PrixHamilton close the gap on Rosberg in the championship to 24 pointsThe podium in the principality was completed by Mexican Force India driver Sergio PerezRed Bull delivered on a silver platter the victory in the Monaco Grand Prix to Lewis Hamilton with error on the pitsHamilton encurtou a distância para Rosberg no campeonato para 24 pontosRed Bull entregou vitória de mão beijada a Hamilton com erro nas mudanças de pneusO pódio no principado foi completado pelo mexicano da Force India, Sergio PerezHamilton conquistou a 44ª vitória da carreira na Fórmula 1 e a primeira desde que se sagrou campeão do mundo no Grande Prémios dos EUARosberg conquistou a quarta vitória da temporada de 2016Hamilton e Raikkonen terminaram no segundo e terceiro lugares, respetivamenteFoi uma partida caótica em Sochi com Vettel a ser tocado duas vezes e forçado ao abandono por causa de KvyatRosberg won the fourth consecutive race in 2016It was chaotic start in Sochi with Vettel being hit twice and forced to withdraw by KvyatHamilton and Raikkonen finished in second and third places respectivelyRosberg venceu as três corridas da temporada disputadas até ao momentoPartindo do último lugar Lewis Hamilton não conseguiu ir além do sétimo lugarO piloto da Mercedes tem agora uma vantagem de 36 pontos no campeonato sobre o seu companheiro de equipa Lewis HamiltonThe Mercedes driver now has a 36 point lead in the championship standings over his team-mate Lewis HamiltonRosberg has won all three races since the start of the seasonStarting from last place after Lewis Hamilton didn't manage to go further than seventh place
Red Bull delivered on a silver platter the victory in the Monaco Grand Prix to Lewis Hamilton with error on the pits

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