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Großbritannien Großbritannien (1909 - heute)
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2012-07-24 @ 14:20 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Ford
The car is inspired by the P-51 Mustang as flown by the Tuskegee Airmen The C-Max is a major part of Ford's campaign to sell more electric vehicles in the USA fábrica de Genk produz o Mondeo e está confirmada a produção da próxima geraçãoA fábrica de Southampton produz a carroçaria do Transit, mas está a produzir menos um terço da sua capacidadeOs preços dos carros compactos como o caso do Ka estão a ser reduzidosThe Genk factory builds the Mondeo and is confirmed to build the next generationThe Southampton plant produces Transit bodies but is running at less than one third capacitySmall cars like the Ka are actually being sold for a lossFord says the ping-pong balls are more accurate than more traditional measurementsA Ruth pode ser facilmente movida para trabalhar em diferentes modelosO robot avalia cada aspeto do interior do carro incluindo puxadores, botões e o tecidoRuth can easily by moved to work on many different vehicles. The robot has appendages to poke upholstery, turn knobs and press buttonsFord Focus 2.0 Zetec-EThe Fusion and Mondeo are meant to be major upgrades with better efficiency and more techEsta é a maior expansão do centro de design desde que foi construído em 1968A peça principal deste acrescento é esta arquitetura em forma de barcoSeit der Gründung in 1968, ist dies die größte Erweiterung in der Geschichte des Designcenters.Das Highlight des Gebäudes ist diese bootsähnliche Struktur.This is the largest expansion to the design center since it was built in 1968The show piece of the addition is this boat-like architecture The C-Max will launch in the US later in the year as a small wagon
The car is inspired by the P-51 Mustang as flown by the Tuskegee Airmen