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2013-10-28 @ 16:47 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Audi
No filme o veículo existe apenas virtualmenteIn the movie, the interior of an A7 Sportback doubled for the shuttleAudi made a 1:4 scale model for the premiereThe car only existed virtually for the movieThe data comes from a German public databaseThe info is linked to the navigation systemThe app allows drivers to search local fuel prices by distance or priceAudi A4 1.9 TDIA Audi já apresentou no passado protótipos de veículos elétricosAudi has shown concepts for EV models in the pastO carro celebra o título de Pilotos da Audi no DTM e os potenciais títulos de construtores e equipasCarro recebe jantes, um spoiler traseiro e capas de espelhos em alumínio especiaisAudi has already won the LMP1 championshipSales of the car will begin across Europe in spring 2014It uses the same platform and mechanical parts as the standard A3Audi A3 Cabrio Begins Production in GermanyThe top, its motors and chassis reinforcements add 190kg to the A3The car celebrates Audi winning the DTM Drivers' Championship and potentially the other series championships as wellIt gets special wheels, a fixed rear spoiler and aluminum mirror coversO Q3 é um dos modelos mais vendidos na ChinaO A3 sedan foi posto à venda este mês na EuropaThe Q3 is among the bestselling models in China
The data comes from a German public database