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Japan Japan (1937 - heute)
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2012-11-28 @ 17:48 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Toyota
Toyota Rav4 4Toyota Rav4 4Apesar de poder parecer maior o Rav4 é mais curto e a distância entre eixos mantém-se inalteradaO novo modelo é mais angular que a geração anteriorO novo Rav4 só vai estar disponível com um motor 2.5 de quatro cilindrosCom os assentos rebatidos o Rav4 term espaço para mais de 2,000 litros de cargaO interior é claramente minimalistaWhile it might look bigger. The wheelbase is the same, and it is shorterThe new car is more angular than what it replacesThe only engine will be the 2.5-liter four cylinderWith the seats down it holds over 2,000 litersThe interior is certainly minimalistThe Yaris R1A is an introductory really car with 98hpThe TMG Sports 650 is a one-off for nowStill, it is interesting to see a super sedan version of the LSIt is planning on offering the twin-turbo kit laterThe car also has an upgraded body kit, brakes and suspensionThe transmission stays the sameIt also wears unique wheelsThe twin-turbo V8 gets the car to 199mphThe GT86 racecar uses a stock engine and transmission with suspension upgrades1968 - Toyota Hilux begins production
The interior is certainly minimalist