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Italien Italien (1914 - heute)
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2012-04-16 @ 15:31 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Maserati
The Kubang being unveiled at the North American International Auto Show in DetroitThe Kubang being unveiled at the North American International Auto Show in DetroitProdução do Kubang deverá começar já em 2012O Kubang é baseado na mesma platforma do Jeep Grand CherokeeKubang é uma das principais apostas da Maserati para a expansão da marcaMaserati to Begin Building  Alfa Romeo 4C and Kubang SUV in 2012It is aimed primarily at the US marketThe Kubang is based on the same platform as the Jeep Grand CherokeeMaserati Quattroporte Sport GT S “Awards Edition” Maserati Quattroporte Sport GT S “Awards Edition” Maserati Quattroporte Sport GT S “Awards Edition” sturromasturromaMaserati Granturismo Sport Debuts with New Style and 460hp, 4.7l V8Maserati Granturismo Sport Debuts with New Style and 460hp, 4.7l V8Maserati Granturismo Sport Debuts with New Style and 460hp, 4.7l V8Maserati Granturismo Sport Debuts with New Style and 460hp, 4.7l V8Maserati Granturismo Sport Debuts with New Style and 460hp, 4.7l V8Maserati Granturismo Sport Debuts with New Style and 460hp, 4.7l V8Maserati Granturismo Sport Debuts with New Style and 460hp, 4.7l V8Maserati Granturismo Sport Debuts with New Style and 460hp, 4.7l V8Maserati Granturismo Sport Debuts with New Style and 460hp, 4.7l V8
The Kubang is based on the same platform as the Jeep Grand Cherokee

Verwandte Themen

Maserati plant Sportler auf Basis des 4C
Maserati plant Sportler auf Basis des 4CChristopher Bruce - 2013.04.28

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