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Deutschland Deutschland (1918 - heute)
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2012-05-16 @ 21:42 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: BMW
The M3 was a very successful race car especially in FIA Group AThe M5 received a second generation in 1988The V8 M5 came in 1998And the E46 M3 came in 2000The E36 M3 came in 1992 but did not quite have the first car's racing successHere a street M3 (left) poses with the racing version (right)The M3 came in 1986The engine had 507hp and revved beyond 8,000rpmThe fourth M5 and the M6 coupe used a new high revving, 5.0l V10It used a 277hp inline-6 later used in the first gen M5 and M6It became the first M-badged modelThe M1 was orginally supposed to be a collaboration between BMW and LamborghiniThe M1 Procar raced with 400hp in a series set up by BMW, Max Mosley and Bernie Ecclestone  and Lewis-Francis was faster than the BMW to 20m. The 320d is among the over 3,000 vehicles BMW donated to the London OlympicsHe put his body under 1G of stress when leaving the blocksLewis-Francis won a gold medal in the 2004 Athens 4X100m relayA BMW está a mudar os nomes dos modelos para que os números pares sejam atribuídos aos modelos coupé e descapotáveisNouvelle BMW Série 1 trois portesChoix entre deux ou trois places arrièreLargeur + 17 millimètresVolume du coffre à bagages augmenté de 30 litres
The M3 came in 1986

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