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2015-09-10 @ 13:10 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Toyota
the new generation Sports Tourer displays the same dimensions as the previous model but provides more space for occupants and luggageThe new Astra Sports Tourer will be equipped only with the latest Opel engines with outputs ranging between 95 and 200hpThe Astra Sports Tourer shows the next evolution of Opel's design through the new chrome bar on the grilleThis research started in 2013 and will be the basis to create the next generation of Hybrid and Electric VehiclesHonda Civic Tourer ActiveHonda Civic Tourer ActiveHonda Civic Tourer ActiveHonda Civic Tourer Active tem espaço para duas bicicletas no seu interiorO protótipo foi pintado num tom azul exclusivo e rola sobre jantes de 18 polegadasHonda Civic Tourer Active é um veículo com equipamento pensado para os amantes do ciclismoVolkswagen Tiguan GTEVolkswagen Tiguan GTEVolkswagen Tiguan GTEA capacidade de carga também aumentou em 145 litros para um total de 615 litrosA Volkswagen vai também apresentar um protótipo Tiguan GTE, uma antevisão para uma possível versão híbrida do modeloO novo modelo é de acordo com a marca alemã mais espaçoso e em alguns casos 25% mais eficienteHonda Civic Tourer Active has an extensible loading rack with space for two bicyclesThe concept was painted in a unique blue paint and rolls on 18-inch wheelsHonda Civic Tourer Active is a vehicle with equipment designed for cycling loversThe load capacity also increased by 145 liters to a total of 615 litersVolkswagen will also unveil the Tiguan GTE concept, a preview for a possible hybrid version of the modelNew model is roomier and in some cases up to 25% more efficient than its predecessor
The new generation is the first model of the Japanese brand to adopt the TNGA platform
N.bek., 25
Location: , Portugal Portugal
Birthday: 30. November

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