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Land Rover

Land Rover

Großbritannien Großbritannien (1978 - heute)
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2014-04-15 @ 11:32 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Land Rover
Finally the new range will be completed with the launch of a new generation DiscoveryLand Rover will then launch a new off-road seven-seats modelThe first of these models will be a replacement of the current Freelander, followed by a seven-seat version Land RoverLand RoverLand RoverUnited Kingdom, 1978 > present12 models 1476 photos 9 videos introduced the Discovery Vision Concept next to a scale moThe new Land Rover concept represents a vision of the future family of vehicles Land Rover Discovery, the first of which will be released in 2015Land Rover Discovery Vision ConceptLand Rover Discovery Vision ConceptLand Rover Discovery Vision ConceptLand Rover Discovery Vision ConceptLand Rover Discovery Vision ConceptLand Rover Discovery Vision ConceptLand Rover Discovery Vision ConceptLand Rover Discovery Vision ConceptLand Rover Discovery Vision ConceptLand Rover Discovery Vision ConceptLand Rover Discovery Vision ConceptLand Rover Discovery Vision ConceptLand Rover Discovery Vision ConceptLand Rover Discovery Vision ConceptLand Rover Discovery Vision ConceptO design e as dimensões do Discovery Vision Concept estão mais próximos de uma antevisão do novo DiscoveryPor fim a nova gama ficará completa com o lançamento de uma nova geração do próprio Discovery
The new Land Rover concept represents a vision of the future family of vehicles Land Rover Discovery, the first of which will be released in 2015

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