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Frankreich Frankreich (1882 - heute)
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2013-11-04 @ 17:35 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Peugeot
A PSA acredita que o sistema pode gerar emissões de cerca de 70g/km de CO2Durante a travagem o sistema regenera energia para comprimir ar para o depósitoO sistema utiliza um depósito de ar comprimido colocado por baixo do piso que alimenta um motor hidráulicoPeugeot is on the cusp of possibly being bought by DongfengPicat says that the 308 is the future of the companyIt is going to offer multiple high-level trimsPSA believes that the system could have emissions of about 70g/km of CO2During braking, the system regenerates power to compress air into the tankThe system uses a compressed air tank under the floor to run a hydraulic motorThe subcompact would have been shared among the Citroën C3, Peugoet 208 and Opel CorsaFünf Sterne für den Peugeot 2008Fünf Sterne für den Peugeot 2008Fünf Sterne für den Peugeot 2008Isto mostra como as marcas estão a conseguir tornar os seus carros mais segurosIt shows how well automakers are getting at making safe carsPeugeot needs the Chinese sale to growO 301 é modelo da Peugeot e da Dongfeng para os mercados emergentesA Peugeot precisa de dinheiro para expandirAs duas empresas colaboram há já alguns anosPeugeot 106 XR 1.1Peugeot needs money to expandThe two companies have had a relationship going back many years
The system uses a compressed air tank under the floor to run a hydraulic motor

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