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Großbritannien Großbritannien (2001 - heute)
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2012-10-12 @ 22:14 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Ariel
Ariel Atom 3.5 SuperchargedAriel Atom 3.5 SuperchargedAriel Atom 3.5 SuperchargedAriel Updates at to New 3.5 Spec with New Lights, Chassis Updates and MoreAriel Updates at to New 3.5 Spec with New Lights, Chassis Updates and MoreAriel Updates at to New 3.5 Spec with New Lights, Chassis Updates and MoreAriel Updates at to New 3.5 Spec with New Lights, Chassis Updates and MoreAriel Updates at to New 3.5 Spec with New Lights, Chassis Updates and MoreAriel Updates at to New 3.5 Spec with New Lights, Chassis Updates and MoreAriel Updates at to New 3.5 Spec with New Lights, Chassis Updates and MoreAriel Updates at to New 3.5 Spec with New Lights, Chassis Updates and MoreThe rear lights are also LEDsAriel Updates at to New 3.5 Spec with New Lights, Chassis Updates and MoreThe major changes are to the lights and front endA série vai durar 8 semanasA Atom Cup será patrocinada pela Honda e pela YokohamaOs carros pesam apenas 510 kgThe series is sponsored by Honda and YokohamaThe cars weigh just 1,125lbsThe series will run for eight weekendsAriel Atom 3Ariel Atom 3
Ariel Updates at to New 3.5 Spec with New Lights, Chassis Updates and More