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2 Fahrzeuge
Porsche Cayman S
gepostet am 20.10.09
First bath and indoor cover
First bath and indoor cover
  • First bath and indoor cover
  • First bath and indoor cover
After a month and 1/2 since pickup day, bath could no longer be delayed. I already had bought all the necessary material, tons of high quality microfiber towels and all the sprays and liquids mankind could come up with to clean a car. Also read through a detailing forum to brush up on my technique and the do's and don’ts.

After a painful 3 hour process the outside was clean, and this without waxing (don't feel confident enough yet). Next day I cleaned the interior and it was done. Spotless and squeaky clean!

I must say the car was pretty clean to start with, I give it the occasional spray (no cleaning of course) with demineralised water and the interior is just for driving: no eating, smoking (ever!!!!) or sandy/creamy beach going related marks whatsoever!

Finally, time to use the Porsche cover, which I must say wasn't the most brilliant of investments as it can only really be used just after cleaning the car (after it's dry of course). As this will happen monthly at best and the car isn't parked more than 3 o 4 days without me grabbing it for a ride it won't see much action!

No problem, it looks great and it's good to know I have something with quality to cover my car if needed. It is smooth and fits like a glove!


Consumption15,68 US
Der Hersteller sagt: 22,19 US MPG
8 Rennautos
12 Serienmodelle
  • Tipo 61 Birdcage
  • E-Type 3.8
  • Comet R
  • 458 Italia
  • 7 Supersport R
  • Sesto Elemento
  • F333 SP
  • 917K
  • D-Type
  • 312 P