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2013-04-05 @ 14:55 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: GM
The company wants to get rid of its GM will be independent of government ownership within the next 12 to 15 monthsBob Scovia é diretor de operações da GM na ÁsiaBob Scovia heads GM's operations in AsiaHá alguns anos atrás as duas empresas já desenvolveram uma caixa automática de seis velocidadesThey developed a six-speed automatic transmission together for front-wheel drive cars in the pastThe current six-speed automatic will get improvements while the eight-speed is under developmentIt is also planning a new family of three- and four-cylinder enginesGM has been updating its engine range, and its planning comprehensive upgrades to its V6 enginesNa Europa a GM continua a ter grandes dificuldades e a perder muitos milhões de dólaresO CEO da GM Dan Akerson conseguiu dar a volta por cima nos EUA desde o resgaste financeiro do governo americanoAkerson conseguiu também que a GM se tornasse numa das empresas mais importantes na ChinaIn Europe, GM is still struggling and losing billions of dollarsGM CEO Dan Akerson has turned GM around in the US since the government bailoutHe has also built the company into the one the most successful in ChinaO Chevy Sail é um dos seus carros na ChinaCriou uma parceria com a chinesa SAIC numa joint ventureA General Motors tem-se estabelecido entre as mais bem sucedidas fabricantes na ChinaThe Chevy Sail is one of its more cars in ChinaIt has partnered with Chinese automaker SAIC in a joint ventureGeneral Motors has been among the most successful automakers in ChinaGeneral Motors has been working on globalization and lowering its cars' cost. It is among the automotive leaders in China and Brazil
GM has been updating its engine range, and its planning comprehensive upgrades to its V6 engines

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