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2013-04-16 @ 13:06 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Honda
A Honda refere que também deu prioridade à visibilidadeO interface de condução foi simplicado para ajudar os condutoresO novo NSX estará à venda em 2015Power is expected to be in excess of 370hpPower comes from a V6 with a three-motor hybrid systemHonda also says that it put an emphasis on visibilityThe driving interface has been simplified to aid drivers The new NSX will go on sale in 2015The various divisions are entering their own vehiclesHonda is entering 10 vehicles into the Pikes Peak Hill ClimbHonda Research and Development in Ohio and California are supplying support as wellHonda Performance Development and the Honda America Racing Team are providing support for setting up the vehiclesThe cause is a faulty air bag inflator from supplier TakataToyota and Honda will be responsible for the largest numbers of recallsThe Recall covers about 3.4 million cars worldwideO segmento Kei no Japão representa quase um terço do mercadoKei cars in Japan hold roughly a third of the marketHonda is poised to begin building significantly more hybrid modelsThe Super GT series begins this weekend and plans to branch out to the Asian Le Mans Series later this yearHonda Odyssey US Gen.4Honda Odyssey US Gen.4Honda Odyssey US Gen.4
Honda is entering 10 vehicles into the Pikes Peak Hill Climb

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