Man Builds Functioning Miniature V12 Engine
Details on this video are sketchy at best, and if any readers can point me to more info I would be very appreciative. However, it is cool none the less.
This guy created a miniature V12 with pushrod operated valves. There is no place for spark plugs or an operating fuel system, but it runs fine on compressed air including all the valves and cams.
The video shows most of the fabrication and assembly process. The engine has a total displacement of 12 cubic centimeters with an 11.3mm bore and 10mm stroke. It is made from stainless steel, aluminum and bronze. All of the parts were fabricated except for the screws.
The builder says that is is a replica of a marine motor in the Youtube description, but does not say specifically what make or model.
The second link is to the builder's YouTube page where you can all of his projects, including a similar W16 miniature that he built.
This guy created a miniature V12 with pushrod operated valves. There is no place for spark plugs or an operating fuel system, but it runs fine on compressed air including all the valves and cams.
The video shows most of the fabrication and assembly process. The engine has a total displacement of 12 cubic centimeters with an 11.3mm bore and 10mm stroke. It is made from stainless steel, aluminum and bronze. All of the parts were fabricated except for the screws.
The builder says that is is a replica of a marine motor in the Youtube description, but does not say specifically what make or model.
The second link is to the builder's YouTube page where you can all of his projects, including a similar W16 miniature that he built.
Chaîne de yesuswilder10 - YouTube