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2013-02-07 @ 12:42 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Honda
Gamme de puissance comprise entre 105 kW (143 ch) et 225 kW (306 ch). The rear holds 25l more than a 3 Series TouringThe car will be revealed at the Geneva Motor Show on March 5The car is longer than a 3 Series TouringThe car is meant to blend style and utilityIt will be offered with five engines at lossBMW has not announced a price for the Grand TouringThe GT also sits slightly higher than the standard 3 SeriesThe interior is larger with more headroom and legroomThere is an active rear wing at the rear of the tail gateThe rear lifts like a fastbackO CR-V vai receber o novo motor Earth Dreams da Honda no outonoO interior do NSX foi apresentado pela primeira vez no NAIASO mais recente protótipo NSX tem uma traseira diferenteA Honda refere que o design do Civic Wagon Concept será semelhante ao da versão de produçãoThe CR-V is getting a 1.6-liter diesel in Europe this fallThe latest NSX also has an interiorThe latest NSX concept gets a new style in the rearHonda says that the Civic Wagon concept will see production and look a lot like thisRecentemente a Honda equipou nas versões topo de gama do Accord uma câmara retrovisora associada à mudança de faixaHonda Civic 1.6 i-DTEC LifestyleHonda Civic 1.6 i-DTEC Comfort
The car will be revealed at the Geneva Motor Show on March 5

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