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Republik Korea Republik Korea (1967 - heute)
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2013-02-27 @ 16:14 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Hyundai
Hyundai will offer a ix35 Fuel Cell for test drives to European Parliament and European Commission members It is also selling them to fleetsHyundai is selling a limited number of fuel cell vehicles to fleetsHyundai ix35 Fuel CellHyundai ix35 Fuel CellHyundai ix35 Fuel CellHyundai ix35 Fuel CellOs veículos serão produzidos na mesma linha de montagem do modelo standardA cidade de Copenhaga encomendou 15 ix35 Fuel CellHyundai and Kia admitted that their fuel economy was overstated in NovemberIt mostly affected the company's four-cylinder carsThe cars are made on the same assembly line as the standard carThe city of Copenhagen has ordered 15 of the carsHyundai led the survey that was voted on by over 1,500 senior executives from top companies. It moved up 12 places from 2010. Hyundai led the survey that was voted on by over 1,500 senior executives from top companies. It moved up 12 places from 2010. Hyundai moved up 12 spots from the 2010 ranking. A Hyundai mostra que a potência de ultrapassagem por vezes é importanteHyundai shows that passing power is often usefulHyundai i30 1.4 CRDi WGT Blue ActiveHyundai i10 1.25 D-CVVT Comfort AutoHyundai i10 1.1i ComfortThe test center will have close links to the other engineering center in Rüsselsheim
The cars are made on the same assembly line as the standard car