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Frankreich Frankreich (1919 - heute)
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2012-07-23 @ 12:40 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Citroën
Die Sitze sind aus Club-Leder in der Farbe „Criollo“ gehalten.Sondermodell Citroën DS5 Pure Pearl ist jetzt bestellbarThe Connexion is based on the VTR but gets better wheels, paint and trimThe Citroën team will certainly be the ones to beat in FinlandPour cette 15ème édition, près de 3 500 participants sont attendusElle avait rassemblée plus de 2 400 automobilesLa dernière édition qui s'est tenue à Rome en ItalieCe sont plus de 1 800 Citroën de toutes époques qui seront rassembléesPartis le 11 février dernier de Strasbourg dans la Citroën C-Zero, Antonin Guy et Xavier Degon poursuivent leur voyage sur le continent asiatique.O Citroën Jumpy e o Peugeot Expert serão comercializados sob a marca Toyota a curto prazoThe Citroën Jumpy and Peugeot Expert will be rebadged as Toyotas in the short termCitroën Xantia 2.0 HDiCitroën Xantia 2.0 HDiCitroën Xantia 2.0 HDiA PSA não tem planos de encerrar a fábrica até 2014PSA does not plan to close the factory until 2014As the European Market shrinks, this might happen to several French automakersThe plant have been open for 39 yearsThe Aulnay plant builds Peugeot and Citroën modelsA produção do Citroën C3 será transferida para a fábrica de Poissy onde é produzido o Peugeot 208The C3 production will be moved to Poissy and will be built with the 208Citroën is facing falling sales in Europe where is has traditionally been strong.
The Citroën Jumpy and Peugeot Expert will be rebadged as Toyotas in the short term