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Großbritannien Großbritannien (1963 - heute)
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2013-05-16 @ 13:34 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: McLaren
The interior is covered in leather with special sill plates and 50th anniversary badgesThe cars are limited to three colors with exclusive detailsThey get the lightest wheels that McLaren makesThere are special badges celebrating the anniversaryCerca de 66% dos compradores estão a utilizar o serviço de personalização de viaturas da McLarenO serviço permite aos clientes modificarem até onde quiserem os seus carros, incluindo a carroçariaAinda estão algumas unidades do P1 à vendaThe service allows buyers to go as far as they want with their cars, going so far as creating new bodiesThere are still units of the P1 left to sellAbout 66% of buyers are using McLaren's customization serviceThey won World Constructors' Championships four times togetherThe two of them were partners from 1988 to 1992Honda will be the engine supplier for McLaren starting in 2015McLaren MP4/4 HondaMcLaren MP4/4 HondaHonda regressa à Fórmula 1 depois de seis anos de ausênciaMclaren e Honda vão voltar a unir esforços a partir de 2015McLaren is really hoping its car is improved enough to be competitiveSergio PérezJenson ButtonEm teoria os pilotos poderiam ser suspensos caso acumulem um certo número de pontosIn theory, drivers could be excluded if they accrued enough points
There are still units of the P1 left to sell