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Red Bull

Red Bull

Österreich Österreich (2004 - heute)
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2011-10-29 @ 13:01 | © Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Red Bull
Vettel wins for the 11th time this seasonVettel wins for the 11th time this seasonVettel grabs 13th pole of the seasonVettel grabs 13th pole of the seasonVettel grabs 13th pole of the seasonVettel grabs 13th pole of the seasonVettel grabs 13th pole of the seasonPreview Indian Grand Prix: new circuit, fresh track!Preview Indian Grand Prix: new circuit, fresh track!Preview Indian Grand Prix: new circuit, fresh track!Vettel retunrs to wins and hands title to Red BullVettel retunrs to wins and hands title to Red BullVettel retunrs to wins and hands title to Red BullVettel retunrs to wins and hands title to Red BullVettel retunrs to wins and hands title to Red BullVettel retunrs to wins and hands title to Red BullVettel retunrs to wins and hands title to Red BullVettel retunrs to wins and hands title to Red BullVettel retunrs to wins and hands title to Red BullVettel retunrs to wins and hands title to Red BullVettel retunrs to wins and hands title to Red BullVettel retunrs to wins and hands title to Red Bull
Vettel grabs 13th pole of the season

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